To intelligently understand current events, they must be seen within a broader historical context. Today, ideologue powerbrokers are attempting to distort, amend, and rewrite history, so the historical context agrees with their current propaganda.

George Orwell expressed it this way in his novel 1984:

“Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

Notes From The Past is an attempt to give you an array of historical contexts for you to better understand current events. To this end we are creating high quality videos about historical figures and events that will help you better understand the world today.

YouTube comments:

“This truly is the most underrated channel on youtube…”

“Continue publishing memoirs of the past, they are good”

“Most underrated channel on YouTube”

“Beautiful work.”

It is our hope that this information will help empower you to see beyond the shroud of darkness that seems to have blinded so many.

Most of our popular videos have been inexplicably demonetized on YouTube, so we are thankful for your financial support here at Substack.

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Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past - Machiavelli