It is indeed critically important! I am one of those canaries-in-the-coalmine who has been attempting to sound this warning bell for decades now. Generally, very few listened. Eyes glazed over. As Lobaczewski predicted.
May work to a greater extent in current times, when it is harder to ignore blatant evidence.
Excellent video. From someone who found and read the initial version of "Political Ponerology" when it first came out. As well as most of the books covered in the bibliography....and then some.
I thought I must have been one of about half a dozen in the West then, to know this concept was even out there to such an extent.
You certainly aren't just one in half a dozen now! Thankfully the word is getting out, and I think the new publication of Political Ponerology (which is much easier to understand than the previous publication) has done a lot in this respect when it comes to Lobaczewski - and Harrison's social reach of course.
I went on to formal cross-disciplinary studies which led me to see the patterns of totalitarianism in general and in specifics. Then I made the discovery that all totalitarian situations emanate from the Cluster-B Spectrum.
I am a Systems Thinker, pattern-recognition specialty. I have noted pathocracy/totalitarianism in society since I was very young. All that remained was what to name this. I worked that out in university.
When I discovered the original Lobaczewski book, I knew that he and I were on the same wave-length! Very good that you are making his introductory ideas publicly available. I had done so on a smaller scale for many years, though it tended to glance off. Perhaps this targeted video will catch the attention of more individuals out there. Now that they have seen concrete evidence in society.
In collaboration with Harrison Koehli we will do more on this. I think the video/doco medium is a good way to reach people who otherwise wouldn't dive into the literature.
Exactly!!! People who don’t read and or people with a shorter attention span do watch and listen to videos! Definitely a really useful medium to reach more people!! Excellent work!!!
Yes, true enough. Sadly, fewer and fewer persons are willing to read books these days. And they would need to read a great many of them on this subject. Spiraling-down of Western civilization and takeover by technocracy. Kids cannot even write in cursive any more. So I agree that a good video will start to fill the gap.
After reading Political Ponerology and then listening to these summaries, and listening to conservative lawyer Harmeet Dhillon interviewed by Tucker Carlson today on her extensive knowledge of Kamala Harris, there is no doubt in my mind that Harris is a psychopath, who has already lured two weak men into her lair: Emhoff and Walz. We must defeat her and her accomplishes.
WOW, this felt like a roller coaster of the unspoken truths everyone knows but we rarely discuss. DANG. PERU IS A PATHOCRACY. We don't even have that word in spanish, I need to come up with something real fast. If there is no translation to the book I might do it myself. JESUS
This is an excellent movie. A good book on the topic is "Confessions of a sociopath, a life spent hiding in plain sight."
A realistic solution is more than just education. That's why I developed a way to change two Federal processes in the US to create a Collaborative Democracy that effectively insulates government from psychopaths, political parties, the wealthy elite, lobbyists, and other governments. It also results in better laws and policies for the people including lower costs and taxes The blueprint is described in the book End Politics Now. Once you understand the nature of psychopaths and their ability to permeate and control organizations and groups, you realize that we need a practical solution before it's too late.
I watched the exact same process unfold in my condo association. It’s highly scalable.
Psychopaths can take over any group, from families to nations. And anything in between.
The Hare/Bobiak book is about Psychopaths in the world of business and places of employment: "Snakes in Suits"
Keep in mind that the lesser Cluster-B types operate in a similar but less severe manner.
An excellent 20min primer on a true state of elite American Institutions public and private, worth a view or listen.
America has been edging towards pathocracy since the 60s.
Critically important! Can it be shared with and viewed by people who do not subscribe?
Yes absolutely - please share far and wide!!
It is indeed critically important! I am one of those canaries-in-the-coalmine who has been attempting to sound this warning bell for decades now. Generally, very few listened. Eyes glazed over. As Lobaczewski predicted.
May work to a greater extent in current times, when it is harder to ignore blatant evidence.
Excellent video. From someone who found and read the initial version of "Political Ponerology" when it first came out. As well as most of the books covered in the bibliography....and then some.
I thought I must have been one of about half a dozen in the West then, to know this concept was even out there to such an extent.
You certainly aren't just one in half a dozen now! Thankfully the word is getting out, and I think the new publication of Political Ponerology (which is much easier to understand than the previous publication) has done a lot in this respect when it comes to Lobaczewski - and Harrison's social reach of course.
I went on to formal cross-disciplinary studies which led me to see the patterns of totalitarianism in general and in specifics. Then I made the discovery that all totalitarian situations emanate from the Cluster-B Spectrum.
I am a Systems Thinker, pattern-recognition specialty. I have noted pathocracy/totalitarianism in society since I was very young. All that remained was what to name this. I worked that out in university.
When I discovered the original Lobaczewski book, I knew that he and I were on the same wave-length! Very good that you are making his introductory ideas publicly available. I had done so on a smaller scale for many years, though it tended to glance off. Perhaps this targeted video will catch the attention of more individuals out there. Now that they have seen concrete evidence in society.
In collaboration with Harrison Koehli we will do more on this. I think the video/doco medium is a good way to reach people who otherwise wouldn't dive into the literature.
Exactly!!! People who don’t read and or people with a shorter attention span do watch and listen to videos! Definitely a really useful medium to reach more people!! Excellent work!!!
Again....very well done on this video! And I wouldn't say that about just anything.
Video-making is a set of skills that I do not possess; I can appreciate this in those who do.
Yes, true enough. Sadly, fewer and fewer persons are willing to read books these days. And they would need to read a great many of them on this subject. Spiraling-down of Western civilization and takeover by technocracy. Kids cannot even write in cursive any more. So I agree that a good video will start to fill the gap.
We are so fortunate to have you Harrison!!! Thank you for all the knowledge you impart on so many!💜
This is brilliant everyone should share this
After reading Political Ponerology and then listening to these summaries, and listening to conservative lawyer Harmeet Dhillon interviewed by Tucker Carlson today on her extensive knowledge of Kamala Harris, there is no doubt in my mind that Harris is a psychopath, who has already lured two weak men into her lair: Emhoff and Walz. We must defeat her and her accomplishes.
This has certainly happened here in Chinada
Excellent video outlining Pathocracy in Western institutions and explains most of the insanity we've all seen over the past 5 years.
WOW, this felt like a roller coaster of the unspoken truths everyone knows but we rarely discuss. DANG. PERU IS A PATHOCRACY. We don't even have that word in spanish, I need to come up with something real fast. If there is no translation to the book I might do it myself. JESUS
Sounds like US government
This is an excellent movie. A good book on the topic is "Confessions of a sociopath, a life spent hiding in plain sight."
A realistic solution is more than just education. That's why I developed a way to change two Federal processes in the US to create a Collaborative Democracy that effectively insulates government from psychopaths, political parties, the wealthy elite, lobbyists, and other governments. It also results in better laws and policies for the people including lower costs and taxes The blueprint is described in the book End Politics Now. Once you understand the nature of psychopaths and their ability to permeate and control organizations and groups, you realize that we need a practical solution before it's too late.
POP QUIZ…. What kind of ponerological personae is Diddy?