Apr 15Liked by Notes From The Past

The “four pests” issue with the sparrows is similar to the Lyme Disease problem here in Maine. A cozy cabal of fur trappers maintain that archaic industry here, while the trappers kill all species of fur-bearing carnivores, leaving the Lyme ticks’ favorite host, the mouse, to proliferate like Mao’s locusts.

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That's a sad state of affairs! But you can see how there's really nothing new under the sun - we just need to be wise to it.

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What a horrible story of history. Sounds exactly like the ridiculous , harmful, and completely asinine plans of the Great Reset, Bill Gates, Schwab, et al, are espousing. Except in their case, our deaths, enslavement, and impoverishment won’t be unintended consequences but are the actual goal. Welcome to Dystopian Times.

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So true - circumstances are different today but the destructive spirit is the same. The reason why we need to understand our past. For those who say "Oh, that could never happen again", don't be so sure... it actually is, just dressed up in a different, maybe more sophisticated attire.

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