Sadly, few will wade in to these details. And, if they do, they will shrug. "Oh, that is how the jews destroyed the once White West." I read Diana West's excellent, American Betrayal, quite some time ago. It angered me, and I shared some of the evidence, particularly FDR with Harry Hopkins (Venona Papers revealed him to be our most highly placed Soviet Agent).
But Diana did not get in to just how jewish Communism and the toppling of America was. Even wrote to her directly, got a nice response. Something on the order of, "that would have diminished my audience significantly."
The Morgenthau plan, essentially Jewish, really had nothing in common with the hijacked Gentile people of the USA, 30% of the entire white population of all of America had originated in Germany.
The crafty Jews were really implementing Isaiah 19:2, and the words of the controlled opposition psy-op fictional Rabbi Jesus (Yeshua) state exactly the same thing essentially, that he has not come to bring peace, but to divide with sword and that he will set brother against brother, that a man's greatest enemies will be among the members of his own household, this being yet more criminal insanity that was spread not by peace and love as falsely claimed, but by the progressive slaughter of 200 million Gentiles over past centuries to force this Jewish-origin mind-control proto-Bolshevik poison death cult to be spread. Either you surrendered to the imaginary 'Christ' and embraced schizophreniform mental illness and self-degradation and mindless subservience to the state, or you were put to the sword or burned alive or garrotted to death by having one's throat slowly crushed against a stake. Ancient libraries containing accumulated spiritual knowledge thousands of years old were burned down.
A Pol Pot-style 4 century-long dark age was enforced to eliminate all past culture and all literacy as far as possible, reducing the common people to total illiterates who had to have everything explained to them by a domineering elite priesthood using stained glass windows.
The false message was then left to be read how the 'gospel' of 'the prince of peace' (employing typically Jewish use of deceptive and opposite terms to the reality, 1984-style) were created for the consumption of the dumbed-down Gentiles, while Jews themselves very clearly understand that 'peace' in this regard really means Jewish-intended war and extermination of all Gentiles, exactly as their Judaic political doctrine which they falsely put forward among Gentiles as a spiritual-based religion actually proposes.
Churchill was clearly psychotic and clearly a Jew himself, his mother was a New York socialite Jewess named Jerome. Churchill had attempted to issue criminally insane mass-murderous instructions to the RAF to drench all of Germany with poison gas. He said that any of the remaining population would be requiring constant medical care the rest of their lives even if any of them did actually survive - only a JEW can hate like that, and Churchill himself said that WWII was really nothing about Hitler or National Socialism.
In reality, the Germans were simply seen as the most powerful industrial nation and cohesive advanced Gentile society in all of Europe who could effectively be able to limit the Jewish-intended military spread of enslaving Judaism (Communism) in an even harsher form than Jewish-run capitalism.
This Rothschild-planned attack was planned to come from a Jewish Bolshevik-conquered and hijacked Russia to sweep over Europe, painting a very broad stroke of red through Europe with a very broad brush. So the Jews planned to smooth the way for this intended Jewish Communist takeover of Europe by first having Germany destroyed even before 1905, and in 1905 one attempt failed.
Then in 1914 the Jews succesfully instigated WWI, and later, Churchill stated that WWII was really only intended to complete the destruction of Germany that had already been begun, but not yet completed in WWI. He said war would have been made on Germany in any case even if it were being run by a Jesuit priest.
To clarify this further, Jewish rabbis have stated in recent videos that all whites in the world must die, as 'the Second Rome Amalek'. This is what is REALLY going on.
Even the Jewish front organization the WEF are saying that a billion whites must die by 2030, this is a purely military agenda of hate-filled Jewish Communism. Klaus Schwab's mother was a Jewess, his entirely malevolent principal 'scientific' advisor the criminally insane pinhead mutant Noah Harari is also a criminally insane Jew.
Schwab keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, a photo of this can be seen online, Lenin stated around 100 years ago that for the Communist 'revolution' to succeed, 9 in every 10 people in the world could be killed. In 1849, Karl Marx published these words in his political journal, "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust".
The Jews mean to rob the entire planet from under our feet, and to prevent any Gentile soul from ever again incarnating anywhere on this planet and even to send all Gentile souls off to etyernal hell, their scriptures in the Zohar state this clearly.
Churchill even demanded that the RAF bomb all of Germany with Anthrax, but thankfully, the RAF refused. If Churchill's his insane plans had been implemented, this would have resulted in much of Europe still being contaminated and uninhabitable today.
That is the nature of the Jewish mind even according to their scriptures and the words of their modern-day rabbis who openly propose to their own Jewish congregations their intentions for all of Gentile huimanity to be totally exterminated, just as Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has gleefully stated in anticipatory celebration, leaving "No survivors".
Churchill reportedly having actually cried at the suggestions of the Morgenthau plan seems obvious dishonesty and propaganda in the light of Churchill's earlier anthrax and gas bomb intentions. Churchill's 30 year long homosexual freindship to his Jewish prinicipal scientific adviser Lindemann, who openly hated Germans with a passion, surely indicates what Churchill really felt towards the Germans also.
Lindemann also stated that this era would be remembered for one thing, 'the abdication of the white man', so by 'my people', Churchill could not possibly really have been referring to the Anglo-Saxon people of Britain, as he, like the Jew Lindemann, was an enemy agent serving only the Jews against the Gentile people of not only Germany but also against the Gentile peoples, especially whites, of Britain itself and of any other Gentile nations.
Churchill was speaking in cryptic terms, and in reality quite literally really only meant the Jewish people as 'my people'. That is typical Jewspeak.
Kaufman's writing of the Jewish mission in life being to achieve world peace is similar deceptively cryptic use of language, the Jewish 'religion' specifically states in the Zohar that all Gentiles on this entire planet are to be enslaved in this life, and even ultimately all to be physically exterminated all over the the entire planet.
Vastly more numbers of people need to wake up to the real nature of 'Jewspeak' very quickly and act decisively or this planet will be taken by the Jews for themselves alone, the entire planet is right now under actual military attack even by all kinds of surreptitious means like chemtrails, highly toxic and genetically damagaing synthetic mRNA GM fake foods, also their mRNA-'vaccine' jab-spiked crop plants, tap water poisoned with chlorine, fluoride, chloramine and aluminium sulphate, and the criminal terrorist Israeli government front WEF organization is waging Bolshevik warfare by all other kinds of names like 'population reduction to save the planet', and 'carbon reduction'.
Mental case agents of these Jews are burning down forests while officially their front men claim to actually be really intent on lowering the temperature. They are burning down poultry farms and other food production units, they are derailing trains carrying highly toxic chemicals.
The highly sadistic Jews are very gleefully engaging in all kinds of lethally destuctive mischief with their Jewish-designed synthetic mRNA self-replicating nanotechnology bioweapon COVID jabs to sterilize, injure and murder us, and telling us all kinds of benevolently-worded excuses, more Jewspeak!
The agents of the Jews are telling us they are 'reducing the population to save the planet'. NO, the always warlike Jews are simply murdering all the Gentiles to take the entire planet for themselves alone.
There was no 'overpopulation' or 'global warming' or 'carbon problem' when Lenin said that reducing the world population by 90% was suitable to carry out the Communist revolution around 100 years ago, and now the clearly Jewish Schwab with his poisonous Jewish agenda accomplices in many world governments including even King Charles and the current UK PM Keir Starmer want to kill off 95% (surely only the Gentiles are intended to be killed though, and that 95% is surely just for starters, bearing in mind the words of the Zohar and the Torah in Deuteronomy 20:16 as those same rabbis refer to Deuteronomy in the Torah when 'justifying' their intentions for all Gentiles to be killed "with no survvors".
Obviously many rabbis agree with Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi who says there are to be "No survivors" in the world from among the Gentiles, and the Jews will be standing laughing over the graves of all the Gentiles who stupidly all submitted to mere suicide by poison Jew juice jab or death in any Jewish-arranged meat-grinder wars 'to save freedom and democracy' (one is amazed at the sheer stupidity of all those who fall for this mass suicide program), or arranged death by any other names in programs allegedly intended 'to save lives during pandemics', or 'to save the planet'.
"Ambassador Morgenthau's Story by Henry Morgenthau (1918)
By this time the American people have probably become convinced that the Germans deliberately planned the conquest of the world. Yet they hestitate to convict on circumstantial evidence and for this reason all eye witnesses to this, the greatest crime in modern history, should volunteer their testimony.
I have therefore laid aside my scruples I had as to the prosperity of disclosing my fellow countrymen the facts which I learned while representing them in Turkey. I aqcuired this knowlede as the servant of the American people, and it is their property as much as it is mine.
I greatly regret that I have been obliged to omit an account of the splendid activities of the American Missionary and Educational Institutions in Turkey, but to do justice to this subject would require a book by itself. I have much to omit the story of the Jews in Turkey for the same reasons.
My thanks are due to my friend, Mr.Burton J. Hendrick, for the invaluable assistance he has rendered in the preparation of the book.
October, 1918 "
"When I began writing these reminiscences of my ambassadorship, Germany's schemes in the Turkish Empire and the Near East seemed to have achieved a temporary success. The Central Powers had apparently disintegrated Russia, transformed the Baltic and the Black seas into German lakes, and had obtained a new route to the East by way of the Caucasus. For the time being Germany dominated her aspiration for a new Teutonic Empire, extending from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf, as practically realized. The world now knows, though it did not clearly understand this fact in 1914, that Germany precipitated the war to destroy Serbia, seize control of the Balkan nations, transform Turkey into a vassal state, and thus obtain a huge oriental empire that would form the basis for unlimited dominion. Did these German aggressions in the East mean that this extensive programme had succeeded? "
He was following in his dad' s footsteps who had a habit of saying "German Huns". His father was American ambassador to Turkey during WW1.
Sadly, few will wade in to these details. And, if they do, they will shrug. "Oh, that is how the jews destroyed the once White West." I read Diana West's excellent, American Betrayal, quite some time ago. It angered me, and I shared some of the evidence, particularly FDR with Harry Hopkins (Venona Papers revealed him to be our most highly placed Soviet Agent).
But Diana did not get in to just how jewish Communism and the toppling of America was. Even wrote to her directly, got a nice response. Something on the order of, "that would have diminished my audience significantly."
The Morgenthau plan, essentially Jewish, really had nothing in common with the hijacked Gentile people of the USA, 30% of the entire white population of all of America had originated in Germany.
The crafty Jews were really implementing Isaiah 19:2, and the words of the controlled opposition psy-op fictional Rabbi Jesus (Yeshua) state exactly the same thing essentially, that he has not come to bring peace, but to divide with sword and that he will set brother against brother, that a man's greatest enemies will be among the members of his own household, this being yet more criminal insanity that was spread not by peace and love as falsely claimed, but by the progressive slaughter of 200 million Gentiles over past centuries to force this Jewish-origin mind-control proto-Bolshevik poison death cult to be spread. Either you surrendered to the imaginary 'Christ' and embraced schizophreniform mental illness and self-degradation and mindless subservience to the state, or you were put to the sword or burned alive or garrotted to death by having one's throat slowly crushed against a stake. Ancient libraries containing accumulated spiritual knowledge thousands of years old were burned down.
A Pol Pot-style 4 century-long dark age was enforced to eliminate all past culture and all literacy as far as possible, reducing the common people to total illiterates who had to have everything explained to them by a domineering elite priesthood using stained glass windows.
The false message was then left to be read how the 'gospel' of 'the prince of peace' (employing typically Jewish use of deceptive and opposite terms to the reality, 1984-style) were created for the consumption of the dumbed-down Gentiles, while Jews themselves very clearly understand that 'peace' in this regard really means Jewish-intended war and extermination of all Gentiles, exactly as their Judaic political doctrine which they falsely put forward among Gentiles as a spiritual-based religion actually proposes.
Churchill was clearly psychotic and clearly a Jew himself, his mother was a New York socialite Jewess named Jerome. Churchill had attempted to issue criminally insane mass-murderous instructions to the RAF to drench all of Germany with poison gas. He said that any of the remaining population would be requiring constant medical care the rest of their lives even if any of them did actually survive - only a JEW can hate like that, and Churchill himself said that WWII was really nothing about Hitler or National Socialism.
In reality, the Germans were simply seen as the most powerful industrial nation and cohesive advanced Gentile society in all of Europe who could effectively be able to limit the Jewish-intended military spread of enslaving Judaism (Communism) in an even harsher form than Jewish-run capitalism.
This Rothschild-planned attack was planned to come from a Jewish Bolshevik-conquered and hijacked Russia to sweep over Europe, painting a very broad stroke of red through Europe with a very broad brush. So the Jews planned to smooth the way for this intended Jewish Communist takeover of Europe by first having Germany destroyed even before 1905, and in 1905 one attempt failed.
Then in 1914 the Jews succesfully instigated WWI, and later, Churchill stated that WWII was really only intended to complete the destruction of Germany that had already been begun, but not yet completed in WWI. He said war would have been made on Germany in any case even if it were being run by a Jesuit priest.
To clarify this further, Jewish rabbis have stated in recent videos that all whites in the world must die, as 'the Second Rome Amalek'. This is what is REALLY going on.
Even the Jewish front organization the WEF are saying that a billion whites must die by 2030, this is a purely military agenda of hate-filled Jewish Communism. Klaus Schwab's mother was a Jewess, his entirely malevolent principal 'scientific' advisor the criminally insane pinhead mutant Noah Harari is also a criminally insane Jew.
Schwab keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, a photo of this can be seen online, Lenin stated around 100 years ago that for the Communist 'revolution' to succeed, 9 in every 10 people in the world could be killed. In 1849, Karl Marx published these words in his political journal, "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust".
The Jews mean to rob the entire planet from under our feet, and to prevent any Gentile soul from ever again incarnating anywhere on this planet and even to send all Gentile souls off to etyernal hell, their scriptures in the Zohar state this clearly.
Churchill even demanded that the RAF bomb all of Germany with Anthrax, but thankfully, the RAF refused. If Churchill's his insane plans had been implemented, this would have resulted in much of Europe still being contaminated and uninhabitable today.
That is the nature of the Jewish mind even according to their scriptures and the words of their modern-day rabbis who openly propose to their own Jewish congregations their intentions for all of Gentile huimanity to be totally exterminated, just as Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has gleefully stated in anticipatory celebration, leaving "No survivors".
Churchill reportedly having actually cried at the suggestions of the Morgenthau plan seems obvious dishonesty and propaganda in the light of Churchill's earlier anthrax and gas bomb intentions. Churchill's 30 year long homosexual freindship to his Jewish prinicipal scientific adviser Lindemann, who openly hated Germans with a passion, surely indicates what Churchill really felt towards the Germans also.
Lindemann also stated that this era would be remembered for one thing, 'the abdication of the white man', so by 'my people', Churchill could not possibly really have been referring to the Anglo-Saxon people of Britain, as he, like the Jew Lindemann, was an enemy agent serving only the Jews against the Gentile people of not only Germany but also against the Gentile peoples, especially whites, of Britain itself and of any other Gentile nations.
Churchill was speaking in cryptic terms, and in reality quite literally really only meant the Jewish people as 'my people'. That is typical Jewspeak.
Kaufman's writing of the Jewish mission in life being to achieve world peace is similar deceptively cryptic use of language, the Jewish 'religion' specifically states in the Zohar that all Gentiles on this entire planet are to be enslaved in this life, and even ultimately all to be physically exterminated all over the the entire planet.
Vastly more numbers of people need to wake up to the real nature of 'Jewspeak' very quickly and act decisively or this planet will be taken by the Jews for themselves alone, the entire planet is right now under actual military attack even by all kinds of surreptitious means like chemtrails, highly toxic and genetically damagaing synthetic mRNA GM fake foods, also their mRNA-'vaccine' jab-spiked crop plants, tap water poisoned with chlorine, fluoride, chloramine and aluminium sulphate, and the criminal terrorist Israeli government front WEF organization is waging Bolshevik warfare by all other kinds of names like 'population reduction to save the planet', and 'carbon reduction'.
Mental case agents of these Jews are burning down forests while officially their front men claim to actually be really intent on lowering the temperature. They are burning down poultry farms and other food production units, they are derailing trains carrying highly toxic chemicals.
The highly sadistic Jews are very gleefully engaging in all kinds of lethally destuctive mischief with their Jewish-designed synthetic mRNA self-replicating nanotechnology bioweapon COVID jabs to sterilize, injure and murder us, and telling us all kinds of benevolently-worded excuses, more Jewspeak!
The agents of the Jews are telling us they are 'reducing the population to save the planet'. NO, the always warlike Jews are simply murdering all the Gentiles to take the entire planet for themselves alone.
There was no 'overpopulation' or 'global warming' or 'carbon problem' when Lenin said that reducing the world population by 90% was suitable to carry out the Communist revolution around 100 years ago, and now the clearly Jewish Schwab with his poisonous Jewish agenda accomplices in many world governments including even King Charles and the current UK PM Keir Starmer want to kill off 95% (surely only the Gentiles are intended to be killed though, and that 95% is surely just for starters, bearing in mind the words of the Zohar and the Torah in Deuteronomy 20:16 as those same rabbis refer to Deuteronomy in the Torah when 'justifying' their intentions for all Gentiles to be killed "with no survvors".
Obviously many rabbis agree with Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi who says there are to be "No survivors" in the world from among the Gentiles, and the Jews will be standing laughing over the graves of all the Gentiles who stupidly all submitted to mere suicide by poison Jew juice jab or death in any Jewish-arranged meat-grinder wars 'to save freedom and democracy' (one is amazed at the sheer stupidity of all those who fall for this mass suicide program), or arranged death by any other names in programs allegedly intended 'to save lives during pandemics', or 'to save the planet'.
Wow. What an incredible story and amazing the abhorrent plans were thwarted. Thank you for sharing this piece of history.
"Ambassador Morgenthau's Story by Henry Morgenthau (1918)
By this time the American people have probably become convinced that the Germans deliberately planned the conquest of the world. Yet they hestitate to convict on circumstantial evidence and for this reason all eye witnesses to this, the greatest crime in modern history, should volunteer their testimony.
I have therefore laid aside my scruples I had as to the prosperity of disclosing my fellow countrymen the facts which I learned while representing them in Turkey. I aqcuired this knowlede as the servant of the American people, and it is their property as much as it is mine.
I greatly regret that I have been obliged to omit an account of the splendid activities of the American Missionary and Educational Institutions in Turkey, but to do justice to this subject would require a book by itself. I have much to omit the story of the Jews in Turkey for the same reasons.
My thanks are due to my friend, Mr.Burton J. Hendrick, for the invaluable assistance he has rendered in the preparation of the book.
October, 1918 "
"When I began writing these reminiscences of my ambassadorship, Germany's schemes in the Turkish Empire and the Near East seemed to have achieved a temporary success. The Central Powers had apparently disintegrated Russia, transformed the Baltic and the Black seas into German lakes, and had obtained a new route to the East by way of the Caucasus. For the time being Germany dominated her aspiration for a new Teutonic Empire, extending from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf, as practically realized. The world now knows, though it did not clearly understand this fact in 1914, that Germany precipitated the war to destroy Serbia, seize control of the Balkan nations, transform Turkey into a vassal state, and thus obtain a huge oriental empire that would form the basis for unlimited dominion. Did these German aggressions in the East mean that this extensive programme had succeeded? "
He was following in his dad' s footsteps who had a habit of saying "German Huns". His father was American ambassador to Turkey during WW1.
Eisenhower hated the Germans, too.
If you investigate this plan in Germany, they put you in jail…
Admiting your obedience to those who destroyed you…
Nothing wrong, just Slaves. But never mention that.
Nord stream is the perfect example. One pipe still good? No no they ´ll do what’s been told to do…
Go to misery