Marx was a third cousin of the Rothschild banking family, and it was they who instructed him to write Das Kapital to form an underpinning part of their agenda as Judaism deceptively translated into an atheistic political doctrine to actually further enslave the Gentiles, and even create a rival philosophy so that dumbed-down and hypnotized capitalist-enslaved Gentiles in the West and dumbed-down hypnotized Communist-enslaved Gentiles in the East could then be pitted against each other to the death, with full-blown exterminatory war between Russia and America combined with Europe even today still being a clear and present incipient danger.

Trump officially converted to Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017, Putin is a fake Christian crypto-Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher, as is Zelensky, Putin can often be seen in photos and videos of public events wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist signifying his devotion to this anti-Gentile exterminatory death cult.

All these factually Jewish agents on both 'sides' are purely intent in reality on liquidating as many white Gentile 'Second Rome white amalek' under their control as possible, entirely in accordance with the recorded edicts issued by their late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson in war purposely arranged by them.

Schneerson is regarded by many Jews literally as God, as their moshiach, and his reincarnation is eagerly awaited and is felt to be imminent.

Though well-researched in some ways, I feel the article here to be a bowdlerized account of Marx in some very important ways still, lacking a more realistic view of Marx and what he really wished to achieve.

Some of his recorded writings state that he wanted to see as much terror and suffering as possible to be inflicted to destroy this world, he was a very sick and hateful evil man, and no real people's hero.

There is no mention here of 'Making Gloves', a Bolshevik torture method surely inspired by the real desires of Marx in which a Christian person's hands would be thrust into boiling water and held there by force until the flesh had been boiled and cooked, then the hands would be withdrawn from the boiling water and forcibly held between the jaws of a vice, and a blade was then used to cut around the wrist in a complete circle, then the hands would be forcibly and suddenly wrenched from the vice, leaving the glovelike form of the cooked outer flesh still trapped in the jaws of the vice, leaving the remains of the still-attached victim's hands consisting of bones, ligaments and tendons only, a most agonizing and terrible fate.

This the Jewish Bolsheviks called 'Making Gloves' and this was but one of a number of very sick and sadistic methods of killing Russian Christian people, and later, other Christian peoples of other conquered nations held under spreading Communism. Trotsky stated how pleased he was in one letter with the success of one particular female Bolshevik torturer in 'making gloves', proudly stating "she makes the best gloves".

Trotsky stated that he would like to see ever more painful and lengthy methods of torture to the death devised.

Then there are the horrific torture methods employed in the Russian gulags and then later after WWII in the Romanian Pitesti Prison Experiment ordered by Stalin, the methodology of which will truly horrify you and leave you sick to your stomach if you research it.

This Manchurian Candidate-style mental deprogramming and reprogramming technique used on political prisoners and even on the Christian priest Richard Wurmbrand at Pitesti Prison was achieved by the infliction of the most severe mental and physical tortures and methods of total degradation and mind-bending.

Stalin was recorded as being happy with the results of the Pitesti experiment and as having stated: "This is how we will create the Communist mind".

The technique was used to turn a person completely around, 'to reveal the inner self' the evil torturers proclaimed, whereby a prisoner's comrade could be made to kill his fellow prisoner comrade very willingly without the slightest compunction or hesitation on command in a robotic manner.

Lenin initially requested Pavlov to commence this world, but 'officially' Pavlov is supposed to have declined, when he did quite the opposite.

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Pavlov in fact used very grisly surgical experiments on both dogs and imprisoned orphan children without any anaesthetic to achieve total compliance of their nervous systems through conditioned reflex.

Lenin had stated to Pavlov that he wished him to devise a method of totally controlling the Russian people by conditioned reflex like Pavlov could could control the subjects of his experiments.

One can be sure many of those 'defending the Russian Motherland' under Stalin's command against Hitler's German troops were similarly mentally programmed to act against their true self interests, even if only through fear after having heard accounts of other Russians who had been arrested often under any pretext and disappeared to the camps, though many thousands of Russians were still sane enough to see the Germans of course as their liberators and joined forces with them, as all Russian Gentiles should really have done in WWII.

Prominent American Rabbi Stephen Wise spoke on several occasions regarding Russian Bolshevism and stated that "Marxism is nothing other than Judaism" (on occasion also referring to Marxism as Communism).

The barbarity of this Jewish-based psy-op was deceptively made out by them to be based purely on 'atheistic' principles alone purely in order that the sheer terror and mass genocide perpetrated by the actually Jewish Bolsheviks under Rothschild orders could not be directly attributed to Judaism itself and the Jews.

A very few of the Bolshevik revolutionaries were not openly Jews, but if they were really Gentiles they must have been totally insane and suicidal Gentiles, and of course, false flag attack was the essential nature of the game anyway.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn stated that 66 million Russian white Slavic Christians were liquidated under 'alien' Communism, with Soviet Russia coming to cover one sixth of the entire world land surface.

Synagogues were left totally untouched in the 'Russian' (Jewish) 'Revolution', while churches were used as extermination centres in which white Slavic Christian Gentiles would be killed, seeking to fulfill the Talmudic edict that all Christians should be killed.

Stalin carried on killing Christians in Russia even right through WWII, right up till 1953 when he died. That was no 'liberation' of the Gentile proletariat man by the Communists, that was a simple Talmudic mass slaughter of them, and Stalin employed 'Torch Man' units to liquidate almost entire Rusian villages


Using special forces dressed false flag style in captured German uniforms, Stalin left only one witness alive in every such Russian village (these special force units were surely almost certainly entirely Jewish due to the treacherous anti-Gentile nature of this savage atrocity), in order that such witnesses would always testify only to the apparent barbarity of the supposed 'Nazi' 'invaders' and thus appeal to the other Russian dupes that they should all fight together only against the Germans to save themselves, when in fact they should really all have been using any weapons they could get hold of only to kill Stalin and his forces, as he was the real enemy of the Russian people, the real invader, as had been Trotsky and Lenin.

Stalin had 30,000 white Christian Slavic officers in the Russian armed forces that he already controlled simply executed and then he replaced them entirely only with fellow Jews alone as he felt he could only be sure of not being betrayed by them.

Stalin in truth was a Bukharian Jew, and photographs of him can still be seen wearing full Bukharian Asian Jewish attire in the association of fellow senior Jewish Bolsheviks, Jews who were fully acknowledged even at that time publicly as being Jews, and they are all similarly attired alongside Stalin in full traditional Jewish dress in these photographs in full length stripy robes and Asian Jewish-style kippah hats.

Stalin passed a law throughout Soviet Russia that anyone considered guilty of antisemitism would face an automatic mandatory death penalty, the very same law that Trump has publicly stated must be made law in the US today. Stalin stated in the wording accompanying that law in Soviet Russia that the law was being imposed as Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the Communist Revolution.

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Lenin had stated that in order to bring about the intended Communist world 'revolution', that 9 out of every 10 people in the world can be killed (this is almost an exact parallel of the WEF agenda today, though Klaus Schwab whose real mother before he was later adopted was actually Jewish states that he wishes 15 out of every 16 of the world population to be 'reduced'.

Schwab keeps a bust of his Jewish Communist hero Lenin in his office, a photograph of Schwab sitting in his office with this bust of Lenin can be seen online. The WEF NWO agenda is really a veil and deception covering the actually entirely Jewish simultaneous Noahide Law NWO agenda in which billions of Gentiles alone are all intended to be killed.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states in one video address to his congregation that the Torah states that of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there are to be 'no survivors', and that the Torah then adds that when all Gentiles have been eliminated from the entire world, that even all memory of any Gentiles having ever existed in this world is then also to be completely erased from the collective memory of all Jews in the world, who will then inhabit it alone, that is the real Communist agenda, and this is certainly no form of emancipation for any actual Gentiles at all.

Juri Lina researched into how Lenin and Trotsky selfishly appropriated hundreds of millions of dollars worth of stolen Russian jewels, bullion, art and currency and of them having secreted all this vast wealth in private bank accounts outside Russia entirely for their own use, it had all been a selfish Jewish scam involving mass death and chaos and terrorism exactly as Marx really intended.

Stalin brought into formal existence a formally recognized semi-autonomous oblast in Russia approximately the size of Switzerland that still exists today for the exclusive use of Jews alone to dwell in, Stalin was hardly the 'anti-semite' that many are deceptively led to believe for Jewish political purposes. But Jews have always killed other Jews as Stalin himself did in their power struggles, just as occurred in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre between rival American Jewish gangsters.

An American state representative present at the time of the 1917 revolution in Russia recorded that he witnessed that blood would pool ankle-deep on the floors of churches, and fragments of skulls and flesh of torture and execution victims could be seen adhering to the walls of the churches.

Solzhenitsyn correctly observed and stated that the supposed Russian revolution was no actually no revolution at all, but actually an invasion by a totally alien people who actually hated the Russian people.

The Russian white Slavic Christian people were surely hated by the Jewish Bolsheviks actually not for any deceptively-stated political reasons, but in reality only as Second Rome white amalek in reality.

According to Jewish scriptural edicts, all whites in the entire world are considered 'amalek', as the eternal enemy of the Jews, against whom war must be eternal until all amalek are totally and permanently exterminated according to the Torah.

But of course, like the fake Global Warming 'reason' for the proposed elimination of 7.5 billion humans by the WEF crypto-Jew Klaus Schwab today, the entirely similar Bolshevik Jewish terrorists back then were also so crafty as to state their reasons and purposes as being entirely other to what they really were, hence the false flag mask of Communism being atheist, of Stalin being a supposed Gentile, and of what happened in Russia being stated as having been to 'liberate the proletariat workers' there, who the Jewish Bolsheviks proceeded to 'liberate' from their physical bodies by slaughtering them in their scores of millions of course.

Well over 200 Jewish 'revolutionaries' had travelled from New York to Russia to link up with Lenin and Trotsky there, who both travelled there by separate means, and Chinese mercenaries were hired to assist them in their grisly work, with American Jewish bankers travelling to Russia posing as Red Cross workers giving suitcases of money as bribes to garrisons of Russian soldiers to stand down when the revolution occurred, on the condition they first gave up their arms to the revolutionaries, which they did, and then these same arms were used to execute the duped and disarmed Russian soldiers.

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